Give & Receive: Garden Fairy Wand

All Ages
$10.80 for ACWL-Nuveen Members
The ACWL-Nuveen fundraising committee is hosting opportunities to make garden art items to sell at the summer fundraiser, Garden Art Adventure. You can participate by making one item for yourself and one for the ACWL-Nuveen to sell at the event. The May drop-in opportunity is a 12″ glass bead fairy wand to place in your garden, windowbox, or potted plant for color and whimsy.
This is a drop-in class which means you can come anytime between 4:00 and 6:00pm. Please register by may 14 so glass beads can be ordered.
Registration is required. Register here:
COVID-19 Considerations:
Creation stations will be set up throughout the ACWL-Nuveen to accommodate up to 20 participants. Students will have their own set of supplies that will be sanitized before class. Students should wear masks, use the provided hand sanitizer, and abide by social distancing mandates.
Class minimum: 6
Class maximum: 20
ACWL-Nuveen classes are supported in part by grants from the Michigan Council for Arts & Cultural Affairs, the National Endowment for the Arts and the Nuveen Benevolent Trust.
Give & Receive: Garden Fairy Wand

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